Cruel Billionaire by Luma Rose

| May 1, 2020 | 0 Comments
Release Date: April 30

Unbeknownst to her, Isla Flores returned to town with more than just her suitcases in hand. She dragged a shitload of baggage from the past into my present.

Her reappearance spurs my father’s twisted mind into overdrive. He devises a plan for me to marry the woman I love to hate. I want to tell him to go to hell, but he knows my secrets. Our secrets.

The Classholes.

We never speak of what happened on our prom night, but Isla Flores’ arrival threatens to bring that night to the surface and reopen the cold case file.

Doing my father’s bidding will not only make me more like him, it will destroy Isla in the process.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

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Category: Contemporary Fiction, New Adult, Romance, Tour

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